Dhillon on Adam Schiff Adding Trump Critic Dan Goldman to Intel Committee

Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FBN’s ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ To Discuss Adam Schiff Adding Trump Critic Dan Goldman to Intel Committee

According to Dhillon:

On a political level, it doesn’t surprise me at all [That the Intel committee hired a partisan activist.] It’s par for the course. Schiff has been talking about this since day one. But from a legal point of view, I think this is particularly outrageous. It’s outrageous for a lawyer to make this kind of slanderous remark that he does on MSNBC. An on top of that, if he’s hired as an investigator to announce the conclusions before the investigation begins, it’s also outrageous and really undermines his client’s job, which is Adam Schiff and his committee. I think Schiff has lost credibility from the beginning for his investigation. Even on the left I think that the prosecutors and lawyers will look at this and ask how you announce your conclusions on television before you begin your investigation. It’s really not done. I think step one for the Republicans is to resist, which is what they’re doing. But I agree with you that many members in Congress should be a lot more vocal in protecting their turf and protecting our president.

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FBN’s ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ To Discuss Adam Schiff Adding Trump Critic Dan Goldman to Intel Commi from Harmeet Dhillon on Vimeo.

We have seen talk of a bunch of subpoenas and people to come before Congress to testify and they have the right to push back and a lot of them are going to, I hope, push back and decline to go along with this. As we know, people in Washington fall into the swamp category and then those people in the swamp are going to want to play the game. And that’s the reality of life. Quite a few came to Washington to help the President and those are people that are most likely not going to play along with this pep it’s like they’re sending a subpoena for everyone who had a burger at the canteen in the White House. And that’s totally inappropriate—fishing expedition. And I think a lot of the response should be no response, ignoring them and going about the business of doing the people’s business, which is what the president has been doing a great job of. It would be great if many entities like Fox News criticized the power that’s going on—an abuse of power. So far the hearings that the new Democrat Congress have looked pretty bad for the Democrats. In some ways, the more they’re talking, the more people like Maxine waters and Adam Schiff, the more they took the worse they look, good for all of us.

Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.