Andy Ngo Discusses His Attack With Tucker Carlson

Parsa Nozzari

Parsa Nozzari graduated from the University of California, Davis, where he obtained Bachelor’s degrees in Psychology and French. Shortly after graduating in 2015, he moved to San Francisco to work as a paralegal at Dhillon Law Group. He provided various levels of litigation support to the firm’s attorneys until August 2018, when he left the firm to start law school.

Andy Ngo Discusses His Attack With Tucker Carlson

According to Andy:

“On Saturday, I was documenting this protest that was organized by AntiFa and its allies, we were a literal stone’s throw away from Portland’s most important institutions of the rule of law—the courthouses, the sheriff’s office, the central police precinct—while hearing people chant, ‘No hate, no fear.’ I was suddenly bashed on the back of my head from behind. I’m a very passive person, I’ve never been in a fight. It took me a few seconds to realize I was even hit in my head. When I realized what was happening, it was too late. A mob of people, all dressed in black and wearing masks, started beating me with their fists, and some of them used objects to hit me. I don’t know how many people were involved. It seemed like five, ten, fifteen, or twenty—it could have been that many. They beat me so much that I lost control of my Go Pro camera that I was holding, which was then stolen from me. And when I thought it was over, I realized I was wrong. I put my arms up to try to shield my face as well as to signal to them that I was surrendering. I wasn’t there to fight….”

Parsa Nozzari

Parsa Nozzari graduated from the University of California, Davis, where he obtained Bachelor’s degrees in Psychology and French. Shortly after graduating in 2015, he moved to San Francisco to work as a paralegal at Dhillon Law Group. He provided various levels of litigation support to the firm’s attorneys until August 2018, when he left the firm to start law school.