
Dhillon on School Reopening

Dhillon on School Reopening

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FNC’s ‘Bill Hemmer Reports’ To Discuss School Reopening According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): Sure. Well, the governor has decreed that 80% of the students in California

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Dhillon on Reopening Schools

Dhillon on Reopening Schools

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on ‘Fox News at Night’ To Discuss Reopening Schools According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): I don’t really understand that. I mean, I think most people go into

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Dhillon on Stone

Dhillon on Stone

Harmeet K. Dhillon Appears on ‘FOX and Friends’ To Discuss Stone According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): For one thing, he did not pardon Roger Stone. He commuted his sentence. Roger

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Dhillon on Flynn Case

Dhillon on Flynn Case

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on ‘Fox News at Night with Shannon Bream’ To Discuss Flynn Case According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): They shouldn’t because this case, and the ordeal of General

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Dhillon on Rally vs. Protests

Dhillon on Rally vs. Protests

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on ‘Fox News at Night with Shannon Bream’ To Discuss Rally vs. Protests According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): I think it is very interesting how the same

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Dhillon on Voter Fraud Concerns

Dhillon on Voter Fraud Concerns

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FBN’s ‘Lou Dobbs Tonight’ To Discuss Voter Fraud Concerns According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): Well, yes and no, Lou. As a result of the lawsuit that

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Dhillon on ‘Chop’

Dhillon on ‘Chop’

Harmeet K. Dhillon Appears on the ‘FOX & Friends First’ To Discuss ‘Chop’ According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): Absolutely, they do. Now, to start with, a lot of citizens think

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Dhillon on CA Sanctuary Law

Dhillon on CA Sanctuary Law

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FBN’s ‘The Evening Edit’ To Discuss CA Sanctuary Law According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): This is really scary for those of us in California who believe

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Dhillon on Russia Probe

Dhillon on Russia Probe

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FBN’s ‘The Evening Edit’ To Discuss Russia Probe According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): This seems obvious to me, and I think most honest observers of this

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Dhillon on Antifa

Dhillon on Antifa

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FNC’s ‘Ingraham Angle’ To Discuss Antifa According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): That is right. On an ongoing basis, he continues to be stalked and he continues

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Dhillon on Elon Musk Lawsuit

Dhillon on Elon Musk Lawsuit

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on ‘FOX and Friends’ To Discuss Elon Musk Lawsuit According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): His lawsuit is interesting. I have actually sued the state 10 times over

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Dhillon on Immigration

Dhillon on Immigration

Harmeet K. Dhillon Appears on ‘FOX & Friends First’ To Discuss Immigration According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): I don’t like the fact that this plan violates the California constitution as

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Dhillon on Coronavirus

Dhillon on Coronavirus

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on ‘FOX & Friends First’ To Discusses Coronavirus According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): I started out this week in San Francisco and we got the order that

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Dhillon on Campaign Interference

Dhillon on Campaign Interference

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FNC’s ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight’ To Discuss Campaign Interference According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): What you’re seeing here is big tech, giving a big assist to one

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Dhillon on Immigration

Dhillon on Immigration

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FBN’s ‘Cavuto Coast to Coast’ To Discuss Immigration According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): This is just the implementation of a law that was passed over a

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Dhillon on Dems’ Super Tuesday

Dhillon on Super Tuesday Results

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on Fox News To Discuss Dems’ Super Tuesday According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): I want to remind your viewers that when the U.K. counted the Brexit votes,

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Dhillon on the Left’s Coronavirus Fear

Dhillon on the Left’s Coronavirus Fear

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FNC’s ‘The Ingraham Angle’ To Discuss the Left’s Coronavirus Fear According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): We’re seeing this outrageous demagoguery from the left, that’s what they

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The Key to Qui Tam Lawsuits

The Key to Qui Tam Lawsuits

The Federal False Claims Act has a whistleblower, or “qui tam,” provision that allows private citizens who have knowledge of a fraud against the government to file a False Claims

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Dhillon on Trump’s Acquittal

Dhillon on Trump’s Acquittal

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on ‘Fox News at Night’ To Discuss Trump’s Acquittal According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): Thanks Shannon. Well, it was his best week ever so far. I think

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Dhillon on Impeachment, 2020

Dhillon on Impeachment, 2020

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FBN’s ‘Cavuto Coast to Coast’ To Discuss Impeachment, 2020 According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): Well obviously, Charles, and when you have the government footing the bill

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Dhillon on Senate Impeachment Trial

Dhillon on Senate Impeachment Trial

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on Fox News’ ‘Ingraham Angle’ To Discuss Senate Impeachment Trial According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): Well, again, this is one of those cringe worthy moments where real

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Dhillon on Democratic Debates

Dhillon on Democratic Debates

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on ‘Fox News at Night’ To Discuss the Democratic Debates According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): Thanks Shannon. Well, I hate to be forced to agree with Van

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Dhillon on Impeachment

Dhillon on Impeachment

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FNC’s ‘The Ingraham Angle’ To Discuss Impeachment According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): No. It’s total gibberish, Laura, and those trial lawyers are looking at this and

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Dhillon on Pelosi, Impeachment

Dhillon on Pelosi, Impeachment

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on ‘Fox News @Night’ To Discuss Pelosi, Impeachment According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): Hi Shannon, thanks. Yeah, it’s working really well, Shannon. Nancy Pelosi had a bad

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New Employment Laws in 2020

Almost every year, and sometimes in the middle of the year, the California Legislature enacts new employment laws affecting employers and employees. 2020 is no exception to this trend. In

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Impeachment Hearing

Dhillon on Impeachment Hearing

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on Fox News’ ‘The Ingraham Angle’ To Discuss the Impeachment Hearing According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): Well, I think her big effort was actually to stave off

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Big Tech in 2020 Race

Dhillon on Big Tech in 2020 Race

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on FNC’s ‘The Ingraham Angle’ to Discuss Big Tech in 2020 Race According to Dhillon (Video Transcript): I represented several clients who have been subject to this

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