What California can do to solve its housing problem

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Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.

Sacramento Bee readers are talking about housing affordability being a top concern for them. These California Influencers discuss what can be done to make housing less expensive in California.

Harmeet Dhillon, Republican National Committee, California, and Partner in Dhillon Law Group

Slash regulations and taxes that discourage building new homes, including rent control, high property taxes, environmental regulations and mandates such as solar, zoning regulations that prevent the building of smaller/second units on property, and allow property owners to control their properties and charge market rates and returns. Builders should not be required to subsidize lower income housing — but should be enabled to build more housing without so much red tape.

Read all the interviews on The Sacramento Bee.

Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.