California Republicans attend Inaugural Ball with hopes President Trump will bring brighter future

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Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.

OAKLAND, Calif. (KTVU) – A contingent of California Republicans celebrated in Washington, D.C. Friday night as they rose as early as 4:30 a.m. for the Inauguration ceremony for President Donald Trump and danced into the night at one of the official Inaugural Balls that drew tens of thousands of people.

RNC National Committeewoman Harmeet Dhillon of San Francisco was there with her husband.

“The President set the tone of this event to be a people’s event so while in prior years there have been balls that have cost thousands of dollars to attend, the tickets for this ball is $50 each and so it really is very accessible to the average American,” Dhillon said.

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Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.