
Of Furries and Fascism at Google

Do read James Damore’s lawsuit. Get past the absurdity of his framing his grievance in terms of identity politics—he’s a victim of Google’s failure to honor “viewpoint diversity.” Apparently under

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Stuart Varney Fox News Business

Damore on Google Lawsuit

James Damore Appears on Fox Business’ ‘Varney & Company’ to Discuss Google Lawsuit According to Damore: You can’t really trust the company’s public response especially when they’re being sued. Do

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Charles Payne Fox News Business

Dhillon on Strzok / Page Texts

Harmeet Dhillon Appears on Fox Business’ ‘Making Money’ with Charles Payne To Discuss Strzok Page Texts According to Harmeet: Why do these two still have their job. Why do they

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OK Google, You Got Served

Does Google discriminate against white, male and conservative employees? Two former Google workers allege as much in a class-action lawsuit they filed against the company last week. While they may

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