Dhillon Law Group Wins Key Victory Against Radical BAMN Group

Troy Worden Dhillon Law

Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.

2017 has seen the rise of By Any Means Necessary, a violent, national group of leftist political activists allied with the Antifa movement—but while the group’s increase in radical actions is alarming, it’s hardly been unfettered. Just recently, BAMN suffered a tremendous legal blow at the hands of UC Berkeley’s College Republicans—with a major assist from the Dhillon Law Group.

It was Dhillon Law’s own Mark Meuser, working with Harmeet Dhillon, who argued in court for the removal of Yvette Felarca’s temporary restraining order against Berkeley College Republicans President Troy Worden. The restraining order, Dhillon Law argued, significantly impeded the First Amendment rights of Worden and other UC Bekeley Republicans seeking to carry out their speech activities on campus —and the Alameda County Superior Court agreed.

Felarca is the leader of Berkeley’s BAMN splinter, and an advocate of violence against anyone identified—whether fairly or not—as a racist or a fascist. She sought the restraining order against Worden in August, despite the fact that she’s not even a registered student at the school – facts, Felarca is a middle school teacher in her 40s who has been arrested twice this year for violent assaults on others. Felarca’s only real connection to the campus is that she visits it regularly to distribute anarchist propaganda and to entice more students into her extremist group—yet she somehow thought it appropriate to seek legal protections against Worden, himself a registered student at the school and a community member in good standing.

Then, Felarca violated legal protocol when she tried to get an illegal extension on her original restraining order—failing to consult with the court or with Worden’s lawyer. The court presiding over the case saw Felarca’s counsel’s shenanigans for what they were, and made a swift ruling in Worden’s favor. Once Felarca’s team at Dhillon Law filed its extensive defense evidence with the court in the form of video evidence and declarations refuting Felarca’s utterly false claims, her counsel was forced to dismiss the case altogether.

This whole entanglement began earlier this year when conservative speaker Ben Shapiro was invited by the College Republicans to speak on campus—and Felarca tried to use the college’s resources to get the event cancelled. A group of College Republicans showed up at her meeting and were forcibly ejected by BAMN goons.

Days later, campus police determined that BAMN was in clear violation of school guidelines while the College Republicans were not—yet somehow, it was Worden who ended up with a temporary restraining order against him.

And BAMN continues to harass Worden with spurious and ridiculous charges, all in a deliberate effort to demoralize the College Republicans group. These anarchists are, if nothing else, true to their name—trying to promote their radical agenda by any means necessary – including weaponizing illegitimately obtained court orders to suppress and persecute conservative speech.

Dhillon Law Group will continue to fight for all voices to be heard on Berkeley’s campus—and to stand alongside Worden and other Berkeley College Republicans as they are subjected to ongoing harassment from the radical, violent left.

Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.