Inauguration Day Brings Asian-American Trump Supporters, Critics to D.C.

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Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.

WASHINGTON — Tomzemol Alam, a 22-year-old Muslim American from Brooklyn, New York, decided to trek to D.C. late Thursday night to take in President Donald Trump’s inauguration. It was a last minute decision.

As expected, he and a friend couldn’t find a hotel, but that didn’t matter — the two slept in the car, Alam said, and then headed to The National Mall Friday morning to watch Trump become the 45th president of the United States.

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Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.