California Voters Seek to Intervene in Lawsuit
Dhillon Law Group Files Motion to Intervene in Anti-recall Lawsuit
The lawsuit A.W. Clark v. Weber seeks to render California’s recall election of Governor Gavin Newsom unconstitutional even though over a million ballots have already been received and the recall law is part of the Constitution of California. On behalf of California voters Carla Endow, Lisa Long, and Marllus Gandrud, Dhillon Law Group, Inc. filed a motion to intervene in the lawsuit.
Excerpts from the lawsuit
Defendant has publicly stated that there are “some serious problems” with California’s recall laws and that she believes that replacement candidates should not win the recall election with a plurality vote even though that is in California’s Constitution (RJN, Exh. 5).
In Plaintiff’s distorted theory of democracy, the Court should overturn a 110-year-old provision of the California Constitution to stop an election out of fear that the majority of California voters may decide that they want to recall their Governor.
This Court should grant the Applicants’ intervention for two independent reasons:
Applicants have a strong interest in protecting the votes they have cast and their efforts to initiate the Recall Election.
…there is no other party in this matter who can adequately represent Applicants’ interests. There are no California voters or supporters of the Recall Election in this matter, and the sole Defendant does not share the Applicants’ personal interest in ensuring the validity of the votes they cast and the value of the work they have done to support the Recall Election. The Defendant, Secretary Shirley N. Weber, was appointed to her position just seven months ago by the Governor—the official who is the target of the Recall Election.