Young Americas Foundation, Berkeley College Republicans v. Napolitano
Defending Free Speech on America’s Campuses
When UC Berkely impeded a conservative group’s ability to invite Ann Coulter and Milo Yiannopoulos to campus to speak, the group turned to Dhillon Law Group.
Now our clients—Young America’s Foundation and Berkeley College Republicans—are pleased to announce a landmark settlement of their First Amendment lawsuit against UC Berkeley.
Under the settlement, UC Berkeley will stop charging security fees to student and off-campus groups for speaking events. Congratulations to our clients on their leadership, courage, and perseverance.
Documents Pertaining to Young America’s Foundation, Berkeley College Republicans v. Napolitano
April 20, 2017
Dhillon Law Group’s letter to UC Berkeley’s Interim Vice Chancellor regarding the cancellation of Ann Coulter’s speech on campus
April 21, 2017
UC Berkeley’s response letter to Dhillon Law Group
Harmeet Dhillon Participates in a Forum on Campus Free Speech
Free speech on college campuses has been under attack in recent years, increasingly from students who have protested speakers whom they disagree with politically. These protests have succeeded in both cancelling events and creating disturbances through blockades, shouts, and even violence as was the case at Middlebury College. What responsibilities do universities hold to protect a climate that encourages the open and respectful exchange of ideas? Should “hate speech” be protected or are special protections needed to protect students from “offensive” discourse? What do universities owe students and speakers to protect their personal safety if protests break out?
Marieke Tuthill Beck-Coon, Director of Litigation, The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education,
Harmeet K. Dhillon, Founding Partner, Dhillon Law Group
Professor Michael McConnell, Richard and Frances Mallery Professor and Director of the Constitutional Law Center, Stanford Law School
Elizabeth Wydra, President, Constitutional Accountability Center
Moderator: Hon. Sandra Ikuta, U.S. Court of Appeals, Ninth Circuit
Introduction: Joshua McDaniel, Horvitz & Levy LLP
News Coverage of UC Berkeley Free Speech Case

Wall Street Journal: A Free Speech Rebirth at Berkeley
Prohibitive security fees will not reinforce the heckler’s veto. The University of California at Berkeley reached a settlement Monday with campus conservative groups who

UC Berkeley Must Pay $70K and Change Policies to Guarantee Free Speech for Conservative Speakers
The campaign of the American left to silence conservatives on campus sustained a massive defeat yesterday, as the University of California, Berkeley reached a legal

Foundation Wins Campus Free Speech Settlement Against UC Berkeley
The Young America’s Foundation has won a legal battle, forcing a major college campus to give conservative speakers the same freedoms they give to other

Conservative Group Declares Free Speech Victory Over Berkeley
‘We wanted to level the playing field’ on campus, said attorney Harmeet Dhillon for the Young America’s Foundation University of California, Berkeley, will no