Zach Kramer

Zach Kramer


Zach joined Dhillon Law Group in 2023. With a background advising media organizations and training journalists and undercover reporters, Zach brings his passion for protecting freedom of speech as well as advocating on behalf of those who have been defamed. In addition, Zach has a deep knowledge in the complexities of media and recording laws, and counsels individuals how to respond to corporate crises and legal issues, including those that attract significant and often hostile media attention. Prior to working as in-house counsel for a non-profit media corporation, Zach worked six years as a worker’s compensation defense attorney, and has extensive experience in taking depositions and winning administrative trials.

Zach is licensed to practice law in the state of California and Texas, and currently lives in New York with his wife, Liz, and cat, Penny.

Contact Information

State Courts

  • California
  • Texas

Federal Courts

  • U.S. District Court, Central District of California