YouTube Temporarily Demonetizes Dave Rubin Interview with Thomas Sowell

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Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.

YouTube reportedly demonetized an interview with Dave Rubin of the popular internet show the Rubin Report and American political philosopher and author Thomas Sowell. The video was monetized shortly after Rubin publicly demanded an explanation from YouTube.

Dave Rubin, the host of the Rubin Report, an internet series in which Rubin interviews a number of media and internet personalities, took to Twitter to reveal that an interview he conducted with political philosopher and author Thomas Sowell had been demonetized. When a video is demonetized, it means that the creator of the video no longer receives a percentage of ad revenue — a primary source of income for many YouTuber creators and internet content developers.

YouTube has been accused of censoring conservatives in the past, popular YouTube star Carl Benjamin — better known by his online pseudonym Sargon of Akkad — was locked out of his Google account. Benjamin told Breitbart News, “As James Damore’s lawsuit against Google has shown, the entire company is riddled with a far-left ideological orthodoxy that has taken hold to a radical degree.” He continued: “Google’s active suppression of individualist ideas within its own ranks has caused classical liberal and conservative commentators to be considered as far-right as Nazis, and are being treated with the same kind of prejudice and ruthlessness.”

Read the full article on Breitbart.

Harmeet Dhillon

Harmeet Dhillon is a nationally recognized lawyer, trusted boardroom advisor, and passionate advocate for individual, corporate and institutional clients across numerous industries and walks of life. Her focus is in commercial litigation, employment law, First Amendment rights, and election law matters.